Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This cutie pie is my nephew. He got to come stay with me for a few days, and so i took some picture of him for a surprise mothers day present for his mom.

He is absolutely a ham. He is the cutest, most mild mannered kid i know. It was a pleasure to have him around. He was very easy to photograph. I put a hat on his head, and he just played with it and smiled at me. He was lots of fun!

I truly love this kiddo!

bad to the bone

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This was another newborn shoot I did.

I always tell people, to bring with them items of sentimental value. I was super excited when this family brought with them Grandpas, newest guitar. The colors and details on the guitar were wonderful, you could photograph just it and have a work of art, but add in a baby, and you have a priceless picture that families will enjoy for a long time!

I love how this picture turned out, I actually edited it 4 different ways, i am sharing with you the one that I added song lyrics too.

This picture also has my new watermark on it.

the stork delivers...

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is a shot from a newborn shoot I did. I also have the full shot of the baby hanging in the "stork pouch" but I feel like this picture is just as cute. This was one sleepy baby to photograph, courtesy of her keeping mom and dad up all night!

I love doing newborns, and this one was a lot of fun!

the end is near

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is a shot from a senior shoot I did. I like the "story" that this picture tells, that's why I'm choosing to share this one with you.

This young man was on his HS football team. He wasn't super excited about taking pictures, as most boys aren't, but he did, and then he was glad he did, he actually had some fun. These "artsy" pictures where he didn't have to look at me, and could just be himself, were some of the ones he liked to take. We got lots of good pictures with him looking at me too.

This one is kind of "rudy" esque to me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

shy? nah!

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This little girl, was one of three I did in a family shoot. It was her, her mom, and her sister. The reason I chose to share this particular image with you, is this is one of those children that mom told me, didn't like to take pictures, and it was hard to get good pictures of her.

I let her play, and played with her, and she soon forgot i had a camera in my hand, and i was able to capture some really good images of her. I'm drawn to the "innocence" in this picture. I just love it. aren't her eyes mesmerizing?

Deep thoughts

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Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is another senior boy I did. This image does not have any "texture" applied to it. This was simply the shadows from a tree on the wall behind him. It turned out to be my favorite picture from his shoot. It is meaningful and makes you stop and think.

Boys and their toys!

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is another Senior I had the privilege of shooting. This one a senior boy. What better photograph than a boy and his truck. He was a great trooper and a lot of fun to photograph!

Senior Shoot

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

this was a favorite from a senior shoot I did. This girl was easy to photograph, she had the most beautiful smie.

I'm drawn to this image because of the contrast of colors. I like how the purple contrasts so well with the neutral tones she is wearing.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

and, another black and white photo

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Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This was another senior shoot I did.
There isn't a whole lot to say about this photo, other than it was really fun to take. I had a very short depth of field f1.8 on the camera, now that's not usually reccomended for portraits, but I wanted the effect that it creates. I focused on the eyes, and so the rest of the picture is slightly out of focus. I then convereted it to black and white which made her eyes "pop".

I love this picture, i think it is a great picture and really tells the story of this particular subject.

drew barrymore?

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is a picture from my "easter sessions" there aren't any bunnies in it or anything "easter" but I think it's so cute, and I'm partial to black and white.

This is one of those kids that doesn't like to look at me, so mom's don't worry, even if they don't look at me or smile, there will still be cute pictures.

I think she kind of looks like a young Marilyn Monroe, my husband thinks she looks like drew barrymore. Like the E.T. Drew. either way, she was a cute kid and we got lots of cute pictures of her.

oh...look at the clouds.

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Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This was a great senior shoot. It was my first time to try to capture the "clouds" while using the flash to light the subject. I am really pleased with the way this picture turned out. I love that the clouds are nice and dark, and that she is so illuminated.

She also has a custom watermark, it is her signature, and then I added some text to it. That is something that is only available to seniors.