Wednesday, March 24, 2010

sugar and spice and everything nice

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

that's what little girls are made of.

This little 3 month old girl, was an absolute pleasure to photograph. She was wide eyed, in a gorgeous mood, and who wouldn't love those eyes? Aren't they mesemerizing? Mom picked this wonderful black and white outfit, that photographed wonderfully.

Working with babies is sometimes a challenge because they have plans of their own. but, even still, if you are patient, there is always a good shot. This little girl made my job easy. She is extremely photogenic, and was also very happy.


Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This image is just too cute not to share it. I'm afraid it doesn't need much of a story. These are 2 sisters, we asked the older sister to give a "kiss" to the baby sister, she did just as we had asked, and then she decided she wanted to take the hairbow off of her little sister.

This is of course, not the BEST image that I took that day, but to me it is priceless. It kind of lets you know the life that this little baby has ahead of her. Reminds me of my sister and myself. I think on some level we can all appreciate this.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

sweet baby

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is my favorite picture from a recent newborn shot I did. I love how this shot has mom and dad in it, but it is "about" the baby.

This sweet baby was a real trooper. They were a truly fun family to photograph.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

oh, sweet sweet babies!

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

I always get excited when i have a newborn shoot, then there's that brief moment of "what am I going to do to make this shoot differnt?" somehow, i seem to have more ideas for little girls, because well, you can "decorate them" more than boys. lol.

Well, I had a couple of ideas I wanted to try with this kiddo, and I was super excited for his shoot.

However, he didn't want to do the things I did, and so I had to come up with another plan. I like to do something "different" for each newborn shoot. I want to create something for the parents that they will be proud to hang on their wall. I want them to have a portrait that is also artwork, something that they will treasure for years to come.

I began to think, I wouldn't achieve that with this little one, and then, I got this idea. I think it turned out really well, and I hope that mom is as pleased with it as I am.

Babies are so much fun!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

one of 4

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This was one of 4 kids I did at one sitting. they were all 2 years old or under. So, photographing them together was difficult. They were all so cute though, it was hard to make myself stop photographing them.

if you're cute and you know it clap your hands.

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This little girl was having her pictures made for a pageant she's going to be in. She was so darn cute. I really enjoyed photographing her. She was a great sport, kids her age are usually not such great sports. I believe she's 2. She's a lot younger than she looks in this picture.

She's so precious.

Senior Snow

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This is a senior shoot I did in the snow. She has her personalized watermark (that is only available to seniors) on her picture. she was a great sport and awesome to photograph.

childhood inncence

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

I love the wonder in this child's eyes as he looks into the snow. Yep, I feel the same way. Snow in texas?

sometimes not smiling is cute

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

This little fella didn't want to smile for me, but his not smiling face with his backwards hat, was one of my favorites of the day. he's one of a few I shot at a daycare.

newborn shot

Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

I'm falling behind in blogging, so I think from now one, i'm going bo blog one of my favorite images from a session with a little story.

This picture however says it all.

Friday, March 5, 2010

easter session

easter session
Originally uploaded by Photography by Jacklyn

If you want a spot let me know.