Monday, August 31, 2009

Why I do what I do:

It's a beautiful thing when God speaks to you.

All along, I've been trying to refine my photography skills, all along I have wanted to be able to give quality portraits to those who can't afford them. It seemed like things were just "falling into place" for me almost too easily.

Then God spoke to me:

He told me that he wants me to do free photography for people that otherwise wouldn't have their photographs taken, and to use this service as a means of ministry. He also told me that on the occasions when I do charge for photo shoots, to put that money back into my business, for supplies that will help me to deliver a high quality product. He has no intentions for this to be a "money making business" for me. And, I believe that when i begin to see it that way instead of what it is, that's when the business will fail to thrive.

I am excited that God has placed this on my heart. I love photography. I love reaching people, making them smile, and capturing moments in time for them. This is what I plan to do.

So, Send me your contacts. Anyone you know, that would like high quality portraits for free! Images to be delivered to them on a disk, with a copyright release.


Saturday, August 29, 2009


Remember: I'm still looking for "human" models too! Free photo shoot! Send me an email if you're interested.


Water play

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Road Trip!

This bunny, actually lives in "memaw's" back yard. Too cute!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

He was a hard target, cause he moved around and wanted to play with the "smoke"...but we managed a few good ones.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

pure beauty!

This little girl is too cute to NOT share her pictures.


Playing inside, practicing headshots. the 2 on top I really like, the one on bottom, I added just cause she's a cute kiddo.

My Kiddos

Mother Nature

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fantasy Creatures live in the woods...

Photographed the sweetest little girl today, and her dog. Many thanks to her parents for allowing me the opportunity.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Enter into the time machine....

The challenge here for these kids, was to pick out outfits (tacky ones at that) from the goodwill, and then they went in public in them. I took pictures. They don't look so bad in black and white though.